A Lesson in Life…


A lesson in life last night!

Theres an old saying that there’s two types of people in the world;
those who physically “put” themselves into the future by planning what
they want to experience, finding success no matter what the cost and
those who procrastinate, rush everything through at the last minute, take
shortcuts and never realise the beauty of what could have been.

Charles Darwin had a name for that.


Now I don’t subscribe to point of view 100% because I believe
you and I are both at different levels of evolution in different ways.

I do have to say that because I’ve personally been experiencing
“missing all that heavenly glory”. I’ve been looking at my finger instead of the moon.

I’ve found myself rushing around my flat in Moortown all night
hunting high and low for bank statements and receipts. Inland Revenue Huh?
Now I know what you’re thinking… “that’s not the greatest way to start a gorgeous
sunny Wednesday morning in late May, Jason!”

You’re right of course but then I had a massive Ah-Ha! moment. A NOW
moment so profound I suddenly understood exactly what it felt like.
What it’s like to be out of shape and overweight and facing the prospect of a summer
surrounded by seemingly lithe and nubile bodies. I mean it wasn’t really
my fault that I’ve left my accounts until the last minute.

I didn’t pack my own file boxes for one, so I didn’t really know
where anything was. Plus it would have cost too much: my time
is far too valuable planning courses to spend a few minutes each day
or at the end of each week organising my finances properly. I was simply
too busy to fit it in, you know, life got in the way. Then there’s the fact
that to do accounts you need to be a brain at maths and it took me 2
failed attempts and I even had to hire my own out of school tutor to succeed
the 3rd time.

I suddenly realised this was all nonsense. I was being the Mad Hatter, Alice
AND the March Hare all rolled into one! Can you imagine that?
With a kettlebell in one hand and a war hammer in the other?
Oh dear, It finally sunk in, it really was time to take a reality check.

So I’ve decided to take a leaf out of my own fitness book…starting now. I’ll exercise
my numeracy and accountancy skills at least twice each and every week
from now on. I’ll make damn sure I’m not in this position again by tasting
the bitterness of this moment in my memory whenever I don’t feel like training
my “number brain” (cool huh, I’m gonna copyright that 🙂

I know the excuses I told myself were bunkum because the only moment that matters
is Now and how I got here. What really matters is how I choose to experience things
right Now.

Time to build a new road to the reality I want to be in. The one i really want.
I’m building it too. You watch. Step by step, cobble by cobble I’ll lay down that road.
No matter what it takes, no matter what the cost.

And you can too!

Which type of person are you going to be?

You can decide to accept your imaginary limitations like the adult Elephant who
is chained to a huge tree trunk as a baby and still believes he can’t escape the tiny stick
in the earth and the piece of orange string now imprisoning him.

Or you can do something amazing with yourself. You can decide to know you’ll
continue no matter what. You can decide to procrastinate or you can take action
now and build your own personal road to any kind of success you want.

You never know, happiness may just decide to keep you company for part of the journey.

Stay on top of it!


Smooth Operator

With the warm weather just around the corner, here are some

Summer drinks options to keep you in your Bikini (or Speedos…!) :-O

Temple holistic’s good friend Laurra Nalty came round to share her latest
Smooth fruit and veg creations with us over the weekend. Now you can make your own, guaranteed to keep you toned!

5 drinks which will keep the tummy fat off:

1. Dark Chocolate Smoothie: Oh Yeah! You asked and the Universe listened 😉
dark chocolate helps with keeping the tummy down because it decreases your
appetite and lessens your general food cravings. Try it as a breakfast
shake to help control your appetite until lunchtime.

2. Green Tea: It contains catechins, antioxidants which help reduce tummy fat.
Sipping green tea before you exercise can increase your fat burning rate.

3. Pineapple Frappe: A blended pineapple drink that tastes like summer holidays
in a glass—use it to pack in two tummy-flattening ingredients: A tablespoon of
flaxseed oil adds monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), proven to flatten your
tummy, and pineapple itself contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps break
down proteins, ease digestion, and stops you getting bloated.
4. Flat Tummy Drink – Peppermint Iced Tea: This is a super minty, super refreshing,
super effective tummy flattener. Peppermint helps the stomach process fats so
even high-fat foods like burgers and steaks are digested quickly, preventing
that bloated look. Cooling the drink means your body has to burn calories to
raise your core temperature, adding to the overall effect!
5. Watermelon Smoothies:  are an excellent way to hydrate your body,
provided you leave out the sugar. Watermelon is an awesome low-calorie
smoothie base. According to The Journal of Nutrition, watermelon contains
arginine, which helps decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass.

Make sure you blend the actual fruit and if you have to get it in a carton make sure it has
no added sugar and is not from concentrate!

Happy smoothie drinking!

Jason Dean

Posted in All

The secret contained within your body…

The secret key to losing body fat and changing your shape lies hidden deep in your evolutionary makeup, within your DNA. It’s in the way you were designed to move, the way you were designed to choose your foods and the way you were designed to eat.

The modern world is a miasma of dizzying food and exercise choices, which leave us dazed and confused, not knowing what is real and what is just marketing hype. The food companies conspire to confuse us with their manufactured products, cynically designed to deceive us into making the wrong choices in order to make us buy more, whilst the pharmaceutical companies tell us all our problems can all be magically wished away by taking a small chemical pill or 3 every day!
There is an old saying: “you are what you eat!” Well, there’s good news and bad news in that statement! The bad news is that whilst we continue to succumb to the compulsive urges instilled in us by the marketeer’s trashy, toxic and processed food commercials, there are NO short cuts. There are NO magical solutions. And there are NO quick fixes.
The good news is that by eliminating rubbish food types from your diet and eating and living as you were designed, you will see huge, even massive improvements in your health and your body shape over a short period of time!
Tune In, Switch on!
Being in tune with your metabolism and the habits of your ancestors is the goose that lays the golden eggs. Lets face it, your golden eggs are:
· Wellness
· Happiness
· Living in a fabulous, sexy body that you adore
The blog you now gaze upon is going to show you what you need to know and what you need to do in order to live a vibrant, natural lifestyle with no concerns or second thoughts about your size, weight or shape.
Next time I’m going to tell you how your metabolism can rescue you from a life enslaved within a body you don’t love, so pay attention…

Stay on Top!


What is Metabolism? Met-a-whatism!?

What is Your Metabolism?
Crazy as it seems, some people really think that a “metabolism” is some kind of organ, or a special body part that influences your digestion.
Of course in reality, your metabolism isn’t a body part at all! Instead, it’s a constant wave of change underway within your own body and in everyone else’s too.
Metabolism is a process. It’s the process of transforming food (vitamins and nutrients) into fuel (i.e. energy). Your body uses this manufactured energy to power a huge array of essential functions, which keep us healthy, hale and happy.
In fact, the ability to read these very pages, which you are now gazing upon hungrily, is fuelled and powered by your metabolism!
If you didn’t have a metabolism, you wouldn’t be able to move or even function at all.
In fact, way, way, before you realised that you couldn’t move your finger or lift your foot up, your internal processes would have already stopped working. This is because the basic requirements of life (circulating the blood around your body, transforming life-giving oxygen into carbon dioxide, removing toxic waste products through the kidneys, etc. etc.) – ALL of these processes depend on your metabolism.
Although you may think of your metabolism as a single function, it’s really has a much larger meaning and accounts for the huge array of functions that are taking place inside your body each second you’re alive. Every second of every minute of every day of your life, multiple chemical reactions are taking place in your body due to your functioning metabolism, or your “metabolic function”.
In some ways, your metabolism is a harmonising process. That is, your metabolism is an expert at managing to achieve balance between two critical bodily functions that otherwise would be constantly at odds with each other…

Anabolism and Catabolism
Your body is continually creating more cells to replace dead, dying or dysfunctional cells. For example, if you cut your finger, your body starts the process of creating skin cells to clot the blood and start the healing process instantly. This creation process is a metabolic response, and it’s called anabolism.
On the other hand, there is the exact opposite process taking place in other parts of your body. Instead of building cells and tissues the body is breaking down different kinds of cells for chemical energy so your body can function normally…
For example, when you begin to exercise, your body temperature rises and your heart rate increases. As this happens, your body needs more oxygen, so your breathing rate increases. If your body doesn’t adjust to this bigger need for oxygen, you will collapse. All of this extra energy output needs additional energy from somewhere…
As long as you aren’t overdoing it, your body will begin to convert food and other biological building blocks within your body into energy in a metabolic process called catabolism.
So can you see now, how your metabolism is a constant process that works in two seemingly opposite ways?: anabolism uses energy to create cells, and catabolism breaks down cells to create energy.
Your metabolism is a harmoniser. It brings together these two seemingly opposite functions, and does it in an optimal way that enables your body to create more cells as they are needed, and then break them down, again as they’re needed.
Reflecting on my Chinese martial arts roots, in Oriental terms, this is a great description of ErYi or the two opposites, characterized by the popular two fishes symbol of TaiChi Quan: 
The constant ebb and flow between two extremes describes harmony as their natures seek to balance each other out.
So there we have it, a bit of exercise is really important to achieving your objective of having a svelte body shape and improving your function.
Think about it, if you don’t move, you don’t need muscle because it burns a lot of calories. Muscle is what we use to move the joints about. It’s no good for your body to be wasting energy, if you aren’t moving and able to collect or catch food to eat, like your ancestors did. This is a survival issue for your dna! 
If you want to get rid of fat, start moving! Don’t overdo it, build up slowly, I’ll show you how.
Until next time, 
Jason Dean

Your Life-Health Plan

Hey there,

Jason here again with an awesome post for you today. 

I picked up this incredible question and answer process from a seminar I attended a couple of months ago in LA with Craig Ballantine of www.earlytorise.com. I used it myself (I always test drive my techniques) then developed it for “How to diet and lose a dress size in 21 days, FLAT!” programme.

This is a truly powerful formula and touches on many of the points the well known self help gurus like Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy and Eckart Toll recommend. 

You simply use this process to move towards the thing you want the most out of life. We’re adapting it to create a situation in your mind which agrees with the very reason you are here – to drop a dress size, and achieve your ideal size and shape!

In fact, David Cameron-Gikande, author of “A Happy Pocketful of Money”, suggests that processes like these actually physically affect temporal reality and shift us quickly into a reality which is concurrent with our beliefs. So be careful what you ask for because you just might get it!

Get yourself a journal or use the journal included in the “How to diet and lose a dress size in 21 days, FLAT!” package – You’ll be using this to write down all your experiences on your 21 day shape shift journey anyway, so now use it to set down the situations, feelings and appearances you want to be experiencing in your life, but aren’t.

Here we go with the process, just shut your phone and TV off, lock yourself away for 45 minutes and answer the questions as fully as possible …

Your Life-Health Plan
There are 4 steps to 
  1. Write the first draft of your plan 5 YEARS in the future, as if you were actually there, now, 

  2. Get Feedback on your first draft from someone you trust and will support you

  3. Re­‐write your plan 

  4. SHARE your plan with family and friends 

    5. If you really want these results, read your plan first thing in the morning and last thing at night before you go to sleep.

Answer these questions in as much detail as possible to create Your Life-Health PLAN… 

  1. What do you look like? 

  2. What does your family look like? 

  3. How do you measure your successful outcome? 

  4. What do you refuse to do or compromise on? 

  5. What is your health Mission? What outcome are you moving towards? 

  6. What age will you live to? 

  7. How do you feel about your family? 

  8. How do you feel about your health? 

  9. What are the 3 most important things to you about your family? 

  10. What are the 3 most important things to you about your health? 

  11. What kind of prople will you need to connect with to sustain this?

  12. What everyday tasks will you need to do to to improve your Family? 

  13. What everyday tasks will you need to do to to improve your health? 

  14. What do people in community say about you, your family, your health? 

15. What is your Ultimate objective in life? 

  1. What do you need to do to improve your family history of health? 

  2. What resources (read, watch, learn) do you need to make these changes? 

  3. What REALLY makes you happy in life? 

  4. What does your perfect day look like? 

  5. What does your perfect week look like? 

All right! Now we’re really cooking on gas! 

Don’t forget to read and update your plan every morning and every evening

Got to go, I’ll see you, living your dream life in 5 years time 😉

Stay on top


Welcome to the “How to Diet and Lose a Dress Size in 21 Days, FLAT! Blog

Hi, Jason Dean here,

Welcome to the “How to Diet and Lose a Dress Size in 21 Days, FLAT! blog.

This is a blog to empower people. My 21 day programme is the first of it’s kind in the world. I developed it for people who’ve had enough! They’ve had enough of squeezing into clothes that are too small for them, they’ve had enough of disliking their body shape and they’ve finally decided to draw a line under the experiences of the past and do something about shifting themselves into a new reality where they love themselves, are proud of their body and feel confident and strong.  If you are still with me, it means people like you!

Before we get started, let me tell you a bit about myself.

I’ve been helping people to improve their shape and their performance for the best part of 20 years. I began my career in the British Army and now own Temple holistic fitness centre in Leeds, England where we teach classes in TaiChi, QiGong and Kettlebells and provide one-to-one services like Acupuncture, hot stone massage and Personal Training etc.

We are currently running our latest “How to Diet and Lose a Dress Size in 21 Days, FLAT!” course to help fill in the blanks about losing weight and getting toned.

My goal is to help a lot of people. I mean, I really want to help a lot of people. I want to help 1 million people realise their health and fitness goals within the next 5 years. So there’s a bit to do 😉 and, with your help, I’ll get there!

Look out for some really cool tips on getting results and keeping them with your new, healthier lifestyle.

Keep on top

Jason Dean